Hey there, I’m Holly!

Your go-to gal for content, marketing & design.

Also known as:

wellness nerd

disco ball collector

owner of Bloom + Flow


To facilitate growth and support a balanced business through collaborative work, sustainable processes, and a joyful mindset.

If we were having coffee, here’s what you would learn about me:

⋒ I am really proud of my collection of disco balls and vintage thrift store finds.

⋒ My perfect day includes a temperature of 68°F, a charcuterie board, and long chats with friends.

⋒ My go-to beverage is an iced latte with coconut sugar and cinnamon.

⋒ I chronically rewatch tv shows - maybe it’s nostalgia, or maybe I don’t like surprises - who can say!

My health journey (and my husband’s as well) has been highly impacted by professionals in the holistic wellness space. My gratitude for those practitioners who are willing to step outside of the box is unending.

It is my personal journey combined with my experience and love for content + marketing that drives my passion to help wellness entrepreneurs get their message (and magic) to the people that need it.

There have been countless times that I’ve found a perfect match for our health needs only after an hour-long deep dive into local forums, with no website or social presence to be found.

My goal is to make it easy as gluten free pie for clients to find your offerings and immediately feel a connection to the immense value you can add to their lives - all in a way that keeps the balance and flow in your life as well.